Brave new girl meets crazy new world

Well, I’m hardly a GIRL anymore, but I am yet again, going all in on BRAVE. To be honest I don’t feel that brave every moment right now, but I am still diving into something completely NEW. This is definitely my defining persona, always trying new things, and with some notable exceptions, being incredibly successful. After years thriving in healthcare leadership, creating innovative programs, including a Canadian one of a kind program, leading kick ass teams, mentoring, coaching, and guiding others to overcome their self-doubt, take risks, and make bold moves, I'm stepping into a brave new world—the digital world. And I need all the support I can get. It’s all a little crazy, and utterly exciting and full of potential - that too.

If anyone had told me a few years ago that I’d be writing a blog, launching online courses, and navigating Instagram like a pro, (the pro part may be a tad overstated), I’d have scoffed at the idea. Why? Because, as confident as I am in my ability to help other women break through fear, the truth is... tech has always been hard for me. I find it overwhelming, and at times downright impossible. I had become accustomed to someone else on the team handling it, but I’m going alone in this new adventure and so it’s on me to figure out.

I had actually said “Adios” to the big executive career and “Hola” to retirement, my version of it anyway. That version included coaching part-time and a part-time faculty position at a masters program teaching leadership to midwives. I’m a former midwife, by the way. Whole other life, and for some future blog. Suffice, it to say, “retirement” didn’t last all that long, a little over two years. It became somewhat meaningless. There are only so many days you can sit on a beach chair and ponder, and while that may seem like a luxury to many of you, there is a pull for meaning and joy that retired life didn’t give me. I started searching for that- something that would bring me joy, use my skills and talents, and be of value to others. And, I’ve figured it out! - more, but different ways of coaching, working with my ideal clients, creating courses and valuable content, like this blog. It drives me crazy that the people who build up experience over the years, ‘age out” of somehow contributing, when in fact its the years and experiences that are the value added for others. As I said, I’m not a girl anymore and I am so grateful for that. Being in my “wisdom” years is easier, being no longer bogged down by the nonsense of negative self-talk my younger self cared far too much about.

A beautiful experience, but it got old fast

My new big thing - I’M ON A MISSION. I have a lot to offer, and I’m determined to bring that to a broader audience. I know the need is there. I hear and see it every day in coaching sessions and casual conversations. To get there I will need to push through the discomfort, embrace the cringe, and do exactly what I inspire my clients to do—take risks, trust the process, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and embrace the learning curve, no matter how steep it is. Priceless lessons come with each misstep and believe me, I am making quite a few right now.

Learning New Tricks (and a Few Hard Truths)

There’s something about stepping into the unknown that reminds me of why I do what I do. I thrive helping women push through self-doubt and fear, and embrace risk. It’s my turn now to take my own advice. It’s true that the tech feels daunting and frustrating, and that there are moments when I want to stomp on my laptop, but I am leaning on everything I’ve learned over the years—the mindset shifts, the resilience, and the courage to try again after every stumble.

What keeps me going is the very thing I teach others: the belief that growth happens outside our comfort zones. This new digital world, as crazy at it sometimes feels, may be unfamiliar, but it’s exactly where I need to be. I remind myself constantly that I’m not starting from scratch. All my past successes, my experience as a coach and leader, are with me. I’m just applying them to something new. I’ve been there before, I got through it, and I’ll get through this. I always figure it out eventually.

My journey isn’t just about building an online business—it’s about my own lived experience, drawing on my experience and sharing lessons with you, some of which are;

  • You’re never too experienced or old to start something new.

  • It’s okay to feel like a novice—it means you’re growing.

  • Fear is normal, but it doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks.

  • There’s always more to learn, you’re really never done. And that’s a good thing.

  • Action equals clarity, just do it and you’ll get there.

  • Perfection isn’t the goal—progress is. Sometimes’ good enough’ is really good enough.

And the one thing I tell myself the most right now? - This isn’t meant to be easy.

Riding the Wave

So what’s this been like for me? Some days, I’m on fire—completely inspired by the endless possibilities the digital world offers. Other days, I’m in full “defeat mode,” questioning why I ever thought I could figure out SEO, troubleshoot website glitches, or connect links. But every high and low reminds me that this is what I signed up for. I am the only one directing this journey and I chose it, so while I am trying to be kind and patient with myself, I am not holding any pity parties. In a nutshell, I am now my own CEO. Growth isn’t linear, and if I’m going to stay true to my mission of helping others take bold career steps, I need to be brave enough to ride this wave, even when it crashes in and threatens to overwhelm me.

I’ve learned that the key to navigating all this is the same thing I’ve always done, show up, take action, learn, regroup and keep going. It doesn’t matter if I’m not an expert in tech yet—what matters is that I’m in it, trying, and learning every single day.

A New Adventure, The Same Mission

I’m energized by the opportunity to reach more women, to offer more value, and to push the boundaries of what’s possible in my own career. Nothing brings me the joy of seeing women get those big AHHA moments, get courageous and soar in their career and dreams. My hope is that by sharing my current journey, it inspires you to take your own bold steps—whether that’s starting a new career, launching a project, or learning something new and unfamiliar.

You might be new to that new role or career, but you have experience you can draw on, trust me. I may be new to the digital world, but I’m not new to facing challenges head-on, and I’m definitely not new to making bold moves. This is just another chapter in my journey, and I’m here for all of it.

What about you?
Is there something new you’ve been avoiding because it feels too big or too unfamiliar? Maybe it’s time to dive in, embrace being a novice, and see where the journey takes you. Real growth doesn’t happen when we stay in the same place—it happens when we step into the unknown. Let’s do it together, I could use some company.

Full disclosure, As right this second I have yet to figure out how to connect my email service to the website and blog page so you will get it. But as you appear to be reading it, guess what? I figured it out. Now, am I a star or what?


The Perils of Perfectionism to Your Career